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Weld Cleaning Machines
Weld Cleaning Machines
Alphaweld Supply Group announces that they no longer a dedicated distributor of Ensitech® Tig Brush® weld cleaning machines. We offer the Cougartron® range of weld cleaning machines as a more economical, versatile and superior alternative with better service and backup.
Why clean Stainless Steel?
The main issue in working with stainless steel is that any welding of it creates an ugly brownish heat tint on the weld afterwards and also damages the thin chromium oxide film on top that leads to corrosion over time. Traditional methods for cleaning and re-passivation were using dangerous and toxic acids and pastes to achieve a visually acceptable finish. These acids were commonly a combination of hydrofluoric and nitric acid and careless exposure to these can result in serious injury or even death. A safer alternative was needed for workers and the environment than these toxic chemicals and hence stainless steel weld cleaning machines were invented.
What is a “Tig Brush”?
The term “Tig Brush®” has quickly over the last few years become synonymous with electro-chemical weld cleaning in the welding and fabricating industry especially in the stainless steel market. It is a registered brand name of Ensitech® Pty Ltd, a company founded in Sydney in 2006¹.
A little about Cougartron®…
Cougartron®² over many years of hard work and enthusiastic approach to innovation have made them one of the leading suppliers of machinery & equipment for electrochemical weld cleaning, marking, and polishing.
From a “Cub to a Cougar”…
This describes their journey perfectly, Cougartron®² began as a small family business with big ideas and a desire to improve effectiveness and work safety in the metalworking industry. Cleaning took too long, harmful chemicals put welders and the environment at risk. They knew there had to be a better way to clean welds.
So in time…
The result is an impressive line-up of weld cleaning machines and related products. Welders now have a safe, fast and economical options for cleaning stainless steel welds and even cleaning aluminium welds. The days of harmful, slow and costly weld cleaning is over.
Cougartron® is here in Australia and making the difference that welders and fabricators want…
The machines come in range of amperages from 30A to 200A to suit many applications depending on the needs of cleaning, polishing or passivating and some have the capability for marking. The Cougartron®² MK12 Marking Machine is a portable marking/etching machine for stainless steel, mild steel, copper, zinc, brass, aluminium and titanium. The system is lightweight and ideal for smaller production environments. It comes packed in a practical carry case for easy workshop portability or onsite use. Use MK12 to easily mark and etch logos, product names, part codes, and serial numbers. See more:
To support the versatility of the MK12 is also a portable Marking Stencil Printer. See more:
Alphaweld® support all Cougartron®² machines with a fulltime service department staffed by trained technicians and plus Cougartron®² provides one of the best warranties in the industry. Should there be an issue it is normally resolved very quickly and efficiently by prompt service. We make it easy!
It doesn’t matter whether the weld is a TIG or MIG... Alphaweld® in partnership with Cougartron®² delivers.
Contact us today to speak to the team about Cougartron®² Welding Cleaning Machines on +61 08 9456 8000
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Reference: ¹ / ²